Choosing Your Personalized Stationery

Recently, I ordered two new sets of personalized stationery and an address stamp, and it struck me that I should share the process with my readers. Not only is having your own stationery a small way of showing care for yourself, but it also shows your recipients that you think they are special. After all, there is nothing more personal and thoughtful than a handwritten note.

I am crazy about stationery and always have been. In my pre-WOW years, I even collected too much of it! I had note cards of every style, shape and size. As I began my transformation to a well-organized life, I realized that I didn’t need so much of a variety, but instead wanted something a little more personal.

Claire's Personal Stationery

I’ve heard similar stories from many clients who, as they discovered the well-organized woman within, made the choice to free themselves of quantity and opt for quality.

To create a streamlined, organized and simple stationery wardrobe, you can start small with a set of correspondence cards, fold-over notes (informals) and envelopes.

  • Personal Set: Allow yourself one set that is just for you for personal notes, thank you notes, notes of sympathy, etc. I’ve included pictures of my choice for my own personal set.
  • Family Set: A set for you and your partner or family is optional but often appropriate. It can be perfect for thank-you notes and attaching to gifts from the family or the two of you. If your spouse does not want his own stationery, a family set with just your last name initial is easy for him to use, as well. I’ve also included a photo of my family set choice.
  • Gift Enclosures: I ordered gift enclosures with my new set of stationery. They are usually the size of a business card, come with a corresponding envelope and are perfect for tucking into a gift.
  • Materials: For fine stationery, choose cotton paper. For informal stationery, any material is appropriate.
  • Color: The most common paper colors are white and cream, but choosing an unexpected text color, border or embellishment to express yourself is one of the pleasures of selecting your personal stationery.
  • Layout: Your name and/or monogrammed initials can be the central image of your stationery, while your address should be printed on the back of the envelope. You can also opt for an address stamp or personalized embosser, instead. I chose to print our address for my family stationery and to use a fun address stamp for my personal set.

Kurtz family stationery

After choosing your signature stationery, make sure to designate its place in your home office or bedroom. Keep pens, stamps, tape, embosser, and address stamp in the same place, as well, so that dashing off a quick thank-you card or writing a note of sympathy is not a time-consuming process. Remember, the point of being well-organized is to move through your life smoothly and easily. You want to be prepared but not over-stocked.

Where to Order Stationery

I have been taking advantage of Groupons offered by Paper Affair to order my new sets, but there are myriad places to order stationery to fit every budget.  Atlanta favorites include Paces Papers and Bumblebee Press.  Two online companies with beautiful options are Delphine Press and Dauphine Press.

Resources on Amazon

All of these books have crept into my collection over the years. They are great resources to explore the traditional rules regarding building and using a stationery wardrobe. Each book gives a nice bit of guidance on crafting appropriate written correspondence. As we become an increasingly informal society, it is a pleasure to engage in the social arts that fall by the wayside!

Happy Writing!

About Claire

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