Systematization: reviewing household scheduling issues and creating streamlined plans
Home: kitchen, pantry, home office, recycling stations, garage, basement, linen closet, clothes closets, bedrooms, wardrobe cataloguing, seasonal closet purging, rotation and storage, cataloguing home contents for insurance purposes, creating gift closet, gift wrapping stations, craft areas, car, multiple home management
Personal Assistant Services
Shopping: grocery, gifts, stationery wardrobe, clothing, returns, care packages, travel
Packing: travel, moving, storage
Administrative: supplies, filing, research, bill pay, budgeting
Travel: domestic and international travel reservations, itinerary planning, luggage shipping
Social Secretary: social event calendaring, RSVPs, charity and non-profit scheduling, donation records, gift purchasing, thank you notes and gifts
Home Vendor Management: cleaning staff, landscapers, contractors
Pet Care: veterinary appointments, ordering medications
Vehicle Maintenance: coordinate wash and detail, regular maintenance appointments, repairs
Holiday: decorating, removal and storage of holiday items, gift shopping, gift wrapping