Holiday decorations are an important part of the season. They help to get us all in the holiday spirit and bring a touch of fun into our homes. While each family has their own traditions for how and when they will decorate, we’d like to offer some suggestions on how to prepare for the decorating process in an organized manner.
Before you decorate:
- Remove your holiday decorations from storage and review the contents. If anyth
ing is broken or needs repair set the items aside and take appropriate action. Then determine if there are gaps in your collection that need to be filled or if there is anything special you’d like to add this year. Take care of all decoration shopping before you start the actual decorating process.
- Decide if you have a particular theme or type of decoration that you’d like to highlight this year.
- Check your Christmas lights to ensure they are working properly.
- Double-check that you know the location of miscellaneous, but important items, such as the Christmas tree stand or stockings.
If you are limited on time, there are several local options for enlisting help for your decorating needs:
- Tradition Trees in Metro Atlanta offers a service that will deliver, install, remove and recycle your Christmas Tree. They can also provide wreaths, roping, and other related items. Prices vary depending on tree size, so visit their website for details.
- The Christmas Light Pros also in Metro Atlanta provide professional holiday light hanging services, including installation and removal in January. Call for a free estimate.
- And of course, The Well-Organized Woman offers full interior holiday decorating services, including decoration purchase, concept design, and organized packing following the holidays.
For more tips and ideas about the holiday planning process, check out our recently released Holiday Planner eBook on The printable planner is filled with helpful worksheets, checklists, and timelines to assist in your organized planning process.